Available courses

This immunization course is designed for healthcare workers in USAID/M-RITE Supported counties. It is complementary to and borrows heavily from  trainings offered by NVIP. 

covid 19 intergration

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Covid - 19 is the corona virus strain of flu visruses

Covid 19 intergration trainings

I have done COVID-19 training slides for managers and Health workers.

Covid 19 intergration trainings were succefully carried out in the last 3 weeks.

This is to enlighten citizens on Covid-19 disease and precautions

The Covid 19 training aims to empower the learners with knowledge of the Covid 19 disease and the vaccines to use.

This training will guide on the integration of Covid 19 vaccines into Routine Immunization

This learning experience is intended to walk you through the COVID-19 pandemic, the response, and the outcomes of the interventions.

This course is designed to equip learners with effective communication skills

vaccine logistics and supply chain

Dear learner, welcome to this course where we are going to learn all the modules on immunization.

 vaccine safety to enhance vaccine uptake


To learn more about immunisation specifically on cold chain and vaccine management
Advocacy Communication & Social Mobilization
Training on vaccines logistics, safety and administration long side cold chain maintenance.
the learners should be able to demonstrate how to monitor cold chain freeze sensitive and heat sensitive vaccines, the order of arrangement in a refrigerator.
Accountability is key . All Learners to set their objectives in relation to accounts
Assignment should be submitted on time.
There are 9 Child hood Routine Vaccine given under Kenya Immunization Schedule against 9 killer Diseases
At the end of this modules, i expect that you will be well acquinted to matters supply chain.
You may need to dedicate enough time to be able to understand the practical sessions
Successful immunization programmes are built on functional, end-to-end supply chain and logistics systems.

These systems enable effective vaccine storage, distribution, handling, and management, ensure rigorous temperature control in the cold chain; and leverage logistics management information systems to promote resilient and efficient system performance.

The ultimate goal is to ensure the uninterrupted availability of quality vaccines from manufacturer to service-delivery levels, so that opportunities to vaccinate are not missed because vaccines are unavailable.

The procedures outlined here will guide the users to ensure they plan, order, receive vaccines in a timely manner and ensure that quality is not compromised.
The course intends to equip operational level officers with competency on immunization services management.
The aim of this course is to impart skills and knowledge on vaccine administration.
This course offers learners an opportunity to interact with the immunization supply chain indicators and how they can have a data-use culture
The course is to enable learners understand the importance of Adverse events following immunization and how to report when it happens
Effective ACSM is important in improving routine immunization uptake and new vaccine introduction.

Effective message and IEC material are important in addressing target population concerns

Effective ACSM Strategies increase caregiver knowledge on the benefits of immunization

Strategic Stakeholder Mobilization and engagement in ACSM Activities is important in mobilizing resources and required support for Routine Immunization
The course will introduce the learners to the types of routine vaccines administered in Kenya.

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